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The Story Behind The Book: Alvey Den

Written by: The Gowings Crew
The Story Behind The Book: Alvey Den

We caught up with Stephen Duffield, the author of 'The History of Charles Alvey and Son | Alvey Reels Australian | Reel Icon,' and asked him a few questions about his fishing experiences and newly written book.

Above: Author Stephen Duffield presenting his new book.

How Did You First Get Introduced to Alvey?

I was a late starter with fishing. We bought a couple of beach rods with spinning reels from a large sporting store. Unfortunately, they lasted only two weeks before everything jammed up with corrosion. I remember contacting the manufacturer, but the parts they required would have cost five times the price of the reel. I recall catching some Dart (at that time, I was fishing in the middle of the day) and soaking up those mindful moments.

The plan was to keep fishing, so I visited a local Bait & Tackle shop and a large Outdoor Sporting store. When I told them my story, they said, “Mate, you need an Alvey.” I remember thinking, ‘What’s an Alvey?’ and ‘What does this Turbo do?’ I ended up buying a 625B reel and a 625L rod. They gave me an Alvey CD and the yellow 2012 Alvey guide. I spent the week reading and watching the CD repeatedly, trying to put some line on the spool, and then went Alvey fishing.

And yes, I caught more Dart at Cabarita Beach (NSW) and was happy fishing. Thanks to Parkinson's, my rods and reels always get a good wash in the ocean. Since I often fall, I just let the rod and reel go, get myself up, pick up the gear, and cast another line.

 What is One of Your Best Catches?

Catching my first Greenback Tailor just south of the Cabarita Norries Headland.

Where Are Some of Your Favourite Fishing Spots?

  • Tweed River

  • Norrie’s Headland – Cabarita

  • Black Rocks - Pottsville

What Do You Love Most About Alvey?

My Alvey rods and reels always get a good soaking in the ocean. If I take a fall, I just let them go, knowing they'll handle it. They’re built to last.

What Inspired You to Begin Writing the Book?

When I was assessed as medically retired, I needed to keep the Parky body and brain as active as possible. Recreational fishing and the opportunity to volunteer to manage the Lions Greenback Fishing Competition from 2017 to 2021 (held in early June on the Northern NSW Coast) kept the body and brain active.

Within those few years, I became hooked on fishing and Alvey reels and met the Alvey team (when picking up Alvey sponsorship goods). The Alvey collection soon commenced.

A large quantity of Alvey paraphernalia was gifted when buying some high-quality rare reels, which showed an intriguing story. My engineering, project, and knowledge management PhD research skills combined to develop the Alvey story.

The Alvey team was approached with a structured Alvey story concept, and I received a positive ‘Yes, We Are Go’. Appropriate agreements were signed, and the book journey commenced in February 2021.

Who is the Intended Audience for the Book?

The book was written for the history timeline with both collectors and anglers in mind. Many of the reels can be found at reasonable prices. Remember that the book value guide is for reels rated ‘excellent condition’. I hope you enjoy reading and referencing the book.

For more information about Stephen and his book, visit the Alvey Den article:

For reviews and feedback on the book, visit